Monday, December 30, 2019

How the Fluid Flows

How the Fluid Flows How the Fluid Flows How the Fluid FlowsTake a water-saturated sponge and place it in a bowl filled with almost any liquid. The results could prove relevant to future carbon dioxide storage methods.Fluids move and interact within porous networks in a complex manner. Pinning down the methods behind a certain type of fluid displacement within porous material could help researchers come up with the best ways to store carbon dioxide in undersea jupes or to leach contaminants from soil, says Marcel Moura, a researcher at the University of Oslos newly established PoreLab.Marcel Moura, left, and Knut Jrgen Mly, a University of Oslo professor of physics, with the system theyve made from synthetic porous samples overlaid with glass. Image Wenche Willoch/UiOHe and fellow PoreLab researchers recently demonstrated the process through which fluid moves from a porous materiallike the sponge or porous rockswhen another liquid is forced into the material.When a material full of po res, like a rock or a sponge, is soaked in a fluid and then another fluid is forced in, an interesting dynamics arises, Moura says. The invading fluid sequentially displaces the other one from the pores.Such displacement takes place when air is shot into an underground cavern filled with water or when water makes its way into a patch of oil-soaked ground.In this type of fluid flow, the first liquid follows a mathematical formula when it ebbs from its surroundings. And the process is actually commonplace.It happens in carbon sequestration, but also simply when writing on a paper and the ink displaces the air from the voids between paper fibers, or when we water the plants and water displaces air from the soil pores, Moura says.And solid porous materials represent one of the most promising technologies for separating and storing gases, which is important in the generation and use of energy, Moura adds. Carbon sequestration, for example, aims to store carbon dioxide in a number of ways , such as underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations, and un-minable coal beds, or by injecting carbon dioxide deep within the ocean floor.Thats why studying the way the method of displacement is important, Moura says. The mathematical formula involved in the fluid displacement process can be used by those working on methods of carbon sequestration as well as in the many fields in which one fluid displaces another from a porous network, he says.The formula for the way liquids percolate and scale within a fluid-filled porous structure was first published in 1988 by University of Oslo researchers in the physics department. They used computer simulations to quantify the relative probabilities of this type of pore displacement and made predictions about how that probability would vary with space and time. But they were never able to verify those predictions experimentally.Nearly thirty years later, Moura and his fellow researchers have verified the computational r esults by studying fluid motion inside a system they built that uses synthetic porous samples and modern image analysis techniques. Its encased in glass.Its transparent, which is convenient because we can directly see the fluids moving inside of it, Moura says Having a very simplified system like ours is convenient because things become more comprehensible than in a real porous network like a rock in the subsea or real soils. Nevertheless, of course we dont capture the full myriad of phenomena that occur in real systems.The PoreLab team was able to verify the 1988 predictions and offer an explanation for the way one liquid displaces another within a porous substance.Future researchers can use both the formula and the PoreLab teams findings when investigating their own techniques for carbon sequestration or soil contamination cleanup, he says.The Porelab itself is a new and novel lab, created in 2017 as a Norwegian Centre of Excellence and housed at the Norwegian University of Scienc e and Technology in Trondheim and at the University of Oslo. The group focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods. Scientists in physics, chemistry, and reservoir engineering lead the PoreLab team.The lab addresses fundamental scientific questions in a field that historically has been dedicated to specific applications, Moura says.Kicking off its work by verifying the way fluids displace other liquid within a porous material could aid researchers looking to halt climate change.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionHaving a very simplified system like ours is convenient because things become more comprehensible than in a real porous network like a rock in the subsea or real soils. Prof. Marcel Moura, University of Oslo

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happy

How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyHow to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyIdea 1 You dont have a preexisting passion (nor should you want one).Idea 2 Becoming really good at something and generously using your skills to help the right people is how you quickly succeed.- - - In the book, So Good They Cant Ignore You, Cal Newport dispels the myth of what he calls, The Passion Hypothesis.The most common and cliche advice about seeking a happy life and prosperous career is to follow your passion. Millennials are leidorious for seeking fulfilling and passion-filled jobs, only to be left disappointed and disappointing.The primary problem, according to Newport, with the passion hypothesis is that all the attention is focused on the self. People who want a job they are passionate about are less concerned about what they can give to the world and are more concerned about what the world can give to them.There is no right jobEverything popular is wrong. - Oscar Wil deMost people are unsuccessful for a reason. They operate with faulty assumptions about how the world works.One of those assumptions is that we as people have preexisting passions we need to discover and then follow. Famed psychologist and author of Mindset, Carol Dweck, would call this a fixed mindset.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Rather than selfishly seeking a life youre passionate about, Newport recommends becoming a craftsman, wherein you develop rare and valuable skills. Newport calls behauptung rare and valuable skills, career capital.Heres how this workYou determine skills and abilities that would be useful to the world.You set clear goals for mastering those rare and valuable skills.You engage in deliberate practice, pushing your skills and abilities to mastery.As you get better, you begin to develop confidence in yourself (confidence doesnt create high performance, it is the byproduct of high performance).As you develop confidence, you begin to deeply enjoy what youre doing - and become very passionate about it. As Newport explains, Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it.As your expertise, confidence, and passion grows, you begin to see your work as a calling or mission (like passion and confidence, your identity and personality are byproducts, not innate).Because you have developed such mastery of rare and useful skills, you have the perspective and context to discern the cutting edge of your field.You can then begin making distinct connections and projections into what has been dubbed, The adjacent possible which Steven Johnson described as, a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself. In other words, this is how you become an innovator and a shaper of societal and global change.Quick re-cap of takeaways and then a road-map of the howHere is a quick recap of the core ideas in developing masteryYou dont have an innate passion that you should follow, instead, your passion follows youConfidence isnt what leads to success, instead, successful behavior is what leads to confidenceAs you develop career capital through mastering rare and valuable skills, youll begin to develop confidence, passion, and personalityThus, your personality doesnt shape your behavior, but instead, your behavior shapes your personalityYou are the shaper of your identity, happiness, and the impact of your lifes workIf you believe the reverse of any of behauptung things, you have a fixed mindset, which assumption will keep you stuck and rigid.How to develop mastery, make millions, and be happyIf you want to love what you do, abandon the passion mindset (what can the world offer me?) and instead adopt the craftsma n mindset (what can I offer the world?). - Cal NewportThis final section briefly sketches the how-to in developing mastery, making millions, and being happy. All three of these things are byproducts of making congruent, aligned, and consistent choices.Develop masteryIf you want to become successful, its better to follow what successful people did to get there than to follow what they do after achieving success.What people do after becoming successful is often very different than what they did to get there. This is true for a few key reasonsWhat got you here wont get you there. In other words, what got people successful isnt what keeps them successful. There are levels, and your strategy must change the higher up you go. If you dont evolve and adapt, youll plateau.Which is what most people do. They reach a certain level of success, become comfortable, and stop growing. To quote Greg McKeown, Success becomes a catalyst for failure.In order to get out of a plateau, you must embrace a l earners mind, leverage your position, and laterally jump into new projects that force new growth and development.If you look at any person who is honestly seeking a higher level of success, they are usually waking up early, studying and learning lots, seeking advice and feedback, and creating, testing, and failing.This is harder to do once youve gained a certain level of expertise and success. Once you become comfortable, its hard to go back to the discomfort of learning and humility. Some of the worlds most famous chefs continually remake their menu from scratch, even after theyve become world-class and received global recognition, because for them, its about the process of growth and creativity.According to Tucker Max, many people who become good at something immediately believe they are good at everything. They arent. And this is a key reason many successful people plateau. They get fat and lazy, and stop doing high quality work and pushing themselves to greater mastery. They sto p thinking about what they can do for the world and instead focus on what the world can do for them. According to Cal Newport, if you stop developing more career capital, it begins to fade away. You can only use up so much of what you got until you have to get more. Career capital is a resource that you use. And if you dont use it, youll lose it.Make millionsLife gives to the giver and takes from the taker. - Joe PolishDeveloping mastery to the point of making actual impact will not develop until you beginInvesting in yourself, andInvesting in key relationshipsIf you invest in the stock market, you may be able to get a 1015% return. However, when you invest in yourself and in relationships, you can often get a 1,000% or 10X return.According to Strategic Coach founder, Dan Sullivan, growing by 10X is actually easier than growing by 2X.When you make investments in yourself, you shatter unhealthy and limiting subconscious patterns. You upgrade your sense of what you can be, do and have .When you invest in key relationships, you put yourself into proximity to the best and most generous mentors available. You gain immediate access to people and ideas that could never have been possible without such relationships.Investing actual dollars in both yourself and others dramatically changes the psychology of things. When you invest in yourself, you become highly committed to what youre doing. Investing in yourself is an act that facilitates what Charles Darwin would call, Selective Pressure, which is a phenomenon that alters the behavior and fitness of living organisms within a given environment. It is the driving force of evolution and natural selection.Investing in yourself creates internal supply to match the external demand of the investment. The bigger you invest, the bigger the psychological leap - which then facilitates a radical upgrade in behavior, confidence, harmonious passion, and outcomes.Investing in relationships creates the optimal level of synergy - whe re both parties can go higher and deeper than ever before - because both are invested in each other. Crazy stuff happens when you invest dollars into the causes and cares of other people. It changes the dynamics of the relationship incredibly. Those you invest in will go above and beyond to help you in all youre doing. It becomes more than a relationship - it becomes a mission to help you and what youre doing.Joe Polish, founder of Genius Network, has what calls the Magic Rapport Formula, which leads to 10X relationships and growth, and includes the following conceptsFocus on how you will help them reduce their sufferingInvest time, money, and energy on relationshipsBe the type of person they would always answer the phone forBe useful, grateful, and valuableTreat others how you would love to be treatedAvoid formalities, be fun and memorable, not boringAppreciate peopleGive value on the spotGet as close to in-person as you canWhen you engage with givers who operate by these princip les, incredibly synergistic possibilities arise. Ive engaged in such possibilities, and can honestly attest to the 10X principle. My income has gone up at least 10X the last three years in a row - from making basically nothing to making seven figures - and I anticipate 10X continuing to happen as I humbly engage these principles.The only way this is possible is by continually honing your career capital, investing in the right relationships, and then generously GIVING your rare and valuable skills to the success of other peoples goals.It is by giving that your rare skills and abilities continue to develop and grow. It is by giving and investing in other people that your network becomes world-class and your ability to make lots of money becomes easy. Your network is your net worth.Be happyDont aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued it must ensue, and it only does so as the uninten ded side effect of ones personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of ones surrender to a person other than oneself. - Viktor E. FranklHappiness is a byproduct. You cannot pursue it directly. It comes from dedicating yourself to a cause you firmly believe.In order to dedicate yourself to a cause you believe in, you must invest yourself in the development of rare skills and abilities, which then lead to confidence, passion, and purpose. That purpose is your cause, which you now have skills and passion to contribute to.You love what you invest yourself in.Happiness comes from investing yourself deeply into something and someone other than yourself.Happiness cant come from following a self-centered and obsessive passion aimed only at making yourself feel good. Happiness comes from self-growth and using that growth to make the world a better place.Either youre focused onGrowth or greed (what can I give to the world vs. what can the world give to me)Giving o r takingNurture or naturePossibility or rigidnessYoure happiest when youre growing and giving. When youve become dedicated to something bigger than yourself. When youre engaged in work you have control and autonomy over and which work is making a tangible impact in the lives of other people. You can only have this type of work by developing mastery, investing in others, and being a giver.You ready?Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis column first appeared on Medium.

Friday, December 20, 2019

4 Phrases You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

4 Phrases You Should Never Say in a Job Interview4 Phrases You Should Never Say in a Job InterviewJob bewerbungsgesprchs can feel like a form of torture, elend just for the shy introverted types, but also for the talkative, honest types who cannot understand the concept of TMI (too much information). This is neither a post on how to lie nor stretch the truth in a job interview.Instead, we offer advice on the phrases you should never say during an interview, as they may give the hiring manager the wrong impression. After all, knowing what to say, and what not to say, carry equal importance in a job interview.1. Now, I realize I dont have the experience you require, butThis phrase is often provoked after the interviewer asks, You do not have experience in this industry. What makes you believe you are a great fit? Now, when you applied for the job you knew it was a long shot. So, here is where you get to explain what inspired you to apply in the first place.The last thing you should sta rt doing is point out your own flaws. Aside, the statement itself almost sounds apologetic, as if you knew the job was a poor fit for you. Saying this statement leaves a hiring manager wondering, So, why did you apply? It is up to you convince them why you are a great fit. The missing experience is already obvious.2. So, what does this job pay?Before your job interview, use Glassdoor and LinkedIn to come up with an estimate of what the ort will pay. Asking this question too soon during the interview process sets a bad tone for your job interview.Salary is an obvious motivating factor in finding the right job. So, companies want to find out in your job interview that money is not your only motivation. They want to know if they decide to pay you that you will care about the company and work you do.3. Id rather not talk about my last boss.Unfortunately, saying such a thing in a job interview indicates the relationship with your last boss was difficult. You may believe you are helping y ourself by avoiding a difficult topic, but you were the one who agreed to the job interview and put the job experience on your resume. Of course, they are going to ask you about it.Job candidates have also made the mistake of speaking negatively about their bosses in job interviews. Even if you can prove that your last boss was terrible, you should never start speaking negatively during a job interview.At the end of the day, you will leave the hiring manager thinking, This person has unresolved issues. or This person will do the same to me one day. The hiring manager and company need to feel they can trust you from the very first job interview up until the time you leave the company.4. Im ok. I do not have any questions.The job interview is over and the hiring manager wanted to know if you had any questions about the job or the company. Saying the above phrase indicates to the hiring manager that you have no interest in the job or the company. Not having any questions is a quick way to get yourself eliminated from the hiring process.notenzeichen If you have no interest in the job or company after the interview, not asking questions is also a way to politely let them know you dont need another job interview.Why we often say TMIYou may still say these phrases during a job interview, and later, kick yourself for doing it. Do not worry because it happens to everyone at some point. Why? It is psychological.Job interviews are quiet QA sessions between two or more strangers that occur in rooms behind closed doors. This often leads anxious job seekers into a false sense of intimacy or security. As a result, job seekers may feel comfortable saying anything to anyone like two passengers on an airplane. And they may forget the boundaries in play during a job interview.As a job seeker, you have to remember the hiring manager works for a company. He or sheis trying to make the best hiring decision. They may be friendly and professional, but they are not your friends during the job interview process.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

4 interview stigmas unveiled (and how to solve them)!

4 bewerberinterview stigmas unveiled (and how to solve them)4 interview stigmas unveiled (and how to solve them)Learn what you can do to avoid four interview blunders that could cost you the job.Ever hugged an employer during a job interview? What about calling your wife and asking what youre having for dinner? How about being asked to be paid under the table?If you think these are fabricated examples of how some candidates act in job interviews, youre wrong According to a recent survey, many job seekers make interview blunders that could cost them the job. Though some are not as extreme as the above examples, there are others that can cause red flags.Lets explore some of the more common interview stigmas, and what candidates can do to solve them beforehand.(1) The Underprepared Job SeekerThis job seeker doesnt seem to have their professional life in gear. Not only did they forget their portfolio, they also failed to research the organization, dont know anything about the interviewer , and cant name off their last three accomplishments. In fact, 34 percent of employers believe that not providing specific examples and vague responses are huge mistakes.How to be prepared Do your research before you step into the interview. This includes looking up company and industry information, as well as delving into your past accomplishments. The combination of these will show your interest in the job, as well as your value.(2) The StumblerIts perfectly normal to be nervous during a job interview. However, it goes beyond normalcy when your nervousness masks why youre a great candidate. Stumbling through every question can make you seem uninformed about the location and the industry. Though this may not be the case, the interviewer may not know you outside of your initial meeting. First impressions mean that much more.How to avoid stumbling Be confident Theres a reason why you got the interview in the first place. Again, being nervous is normal. Practicing with a colleague or a mentor can help you combat those nerves and avoid stumbling through questions.(3) The Unenthusiastic IntervieweeHR managers love a candidate with some enthusiasm. In fact, appearing disinterested in the position is the number-one turn-off. After all, why would an employer hire a candidate who seems to have zero interest in the job? Disinterest from the beginning doesnt bode well for the organization, as well as the performance of the employee.How to be enthusiastic Enthusiasm stems from an interest in the industry and the job. So, if youre not feeling those things from the get-go, you may want to apply to other positions. If you are passionate about the company, try doing some research on the organization, which can help you to pinpoint why you want to work there in the first place. This knowledge will be reflected in the interview.(4) The Inappropriately-Dressed CandidateAccording to the survey, 60 percent of job candidates were dressed inappropriately in interviews. As I previou sly stated, first impressions mean a lot in a job interview, especially if you dont have a prior connection with the interviewer. So, for the employer, what they see may equate to what they get. Unkempt hair, shabby clothes, or loud colors may reflect negatively on you, which is particularly troublesome in a job market where employers can just move on to one of the many other applicants.How to dress appropriatelyIf you have to question your attire, it may be best to change it up. A good rule of thumb is to dress conservatively, such as a pantsuit or business attire. Put some personality in your wardrobe as well. A lightly colored shirt or blouse underneath a blazer or nice piece of jewelry or tie can make your outfit pop, helping you to stand out from others.Though interviewing can be tough game, getting through some common stigmas will help you to win over the employer. So, be prepared, avoid stumbling, be enthusiastic, and dress well. The outcome of your interview will likely be a positive one if you do so.What do you think? What are some other interview stigmas and how can you get over them?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Marine Corps MOS 5821 Criminal Investigator CID Agent

kriegsmarine Corps MOS 5821 Criminal Investigator CID AgentMarine Corps MOS 5821 Criminal Investigator CID AgentInformation from MCBUL 1200, parts 2 and 3. One of the most competitive ratings (jobs) in the Marine Corps isthe criminal investigation division (CID)agent. These agents work inthe criminal investigation division (CID) and theNaval Criminal Investigative Service, or NCIS (which inspired thedramatic television showof the same name). The military operational specialty (MOS) code for this rating is 5821. Marine Corps CID agentsconduct all general criminal investigations under the jurisdiction of theCID and NCIS, which includes conducting covert operations, interrogation of witnesses and crime scene investigations. Marine CID agents are trained inhostage negotiations, provide personal protective services, administer lgendetektor exams, and work with other military civil and federal law enforcement agencies. They also provide guidance and supervision to junior CID agents and app rentice investigators and support both installation and Marine Air Ground task force commanders. The most common crimes they investigate include drug offenses, theft, and identity theft cases. But if asked to serve in support of units aboard ships, Marine CID agents could be tasked with investigating criminal activity at sea, including acts of piracy. Requirements for Marine CID Agents In order to qualify for this job, recruits need a general technical score of at least 110 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, be 21 years old and have normal color vision. They need to have vision correctable to 20/20 and a valid states drivers license. They have to be of strong moral character as defined by the Marine Corps andmust be between 62 and 65 inches tall. In addition, aspiring CID agents cant have a history of mental or emotional disorders, and cant have any convictionsby special or general courts-martial or civil courts, with the exception of minor besucherz ahlen violations. They cant have anynonjudicial punishment convictions involving illegal drugs orspouse abuse or domestic violence. Theyll need to complete a single scope background investigation (SSBI) and be able to qualify for a top-secret security clearance, witha satisfactory periodic review every five years. Training for Marine CID Agents A minimum of six months on-the-job training in criminal investigative duties is required while still an apprentice investigator. Also required is a recommendation by the CID officer and provost marshal for assignment to the U.S. ArmyCriminal Investigation Division Apprentice Special Agent Course in the U.S. Army military police school, in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Completion of this course is mandatory for CID agents. In addition, newcriminal investigators assigned to NCIS as special agents must bedetermined eligible for duty by an NCIS screening board. Additional training is required in order to be qualified as polygraph examiners and hostage negotiators. Civilian Jobs Related to CID Agents The U.S. Department of Labor lists two specific occupations as similar to Marine CID agents. They include detective and polygraph examiner. Within the Marine Corps, MOS 5821, criminal investigator and MOS 5822, polygraph examiner, are related to the CID agent role.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whats Really Going on with Resume Coach

Whats Really Going on with Resume Coach Top Resume Coach Secrets This expert suggestions for including extracurricular interests on your resume can help you get the most out of a hobby section to optimize your resume for the geschftsleben and role you are trying to get. Its possible for you to learn about all our services on their unique pages. It is better to pay a visit to the site for your state to acquire your unique questions answered. Finally, dont neglect to have a look at our professional cover letter examples. Who Else Wants to Learn About Resume Coach? That hiring manager needs to be fired. So if youre truly interested in finding job, then you ought to use the help of such on-line firms. If youre planning to find at least one of these services, I strongly advise that you to take a look at a wonderful website which has let me get lots of jobs with my resume. If youre considering to find one or more of these services, I strongly suggest that you to have a look at a wonderful site that has let me get lots of jobs with my resume. Resume Coach Fundamentals Explained The cornerstone of the contemporary international menschengerecht rights system is the responsibility of all governments to advance human rights and guard them wherever they are within attack. Perhaps its your present position, or perhaps its some specialized certifications or the freelance work that you do on the side. A career change resume example should teach you the way to concentrate on your prior employment. Highlight your main career accomplishments and individual attributes here. Youve got to exploit your strength and concentrate on the specifics. You have to find out approaches to adapt your experience to the demands of the new job and set it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. You must find out methods to adapt your experience to the demands of the new job and set it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. And, needless to say, pay attention to your impact. There could never be an ideal application however, you can become near, extremely close. Finally, the templates are also extremely beneficial because theyre offered in a number of formats and may also be quickly converted to PDF format. Secondly, they are absolutely free of cost and can be downloaded quickly and easily. It can be hard to write such a resume, so reviewing templates is an amazing method to begin. The position may also entail simply interacting with clients to be able to give general ideas and encouragement tailored to the exceptional situation of the customer. Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started. There are a lot of things you need to take into account whenever youre writing an engineer resume. The response is yes in the event that you need to. Most Noticeable Resume Coach Dont neglect to exhibit that you already familiarized with the role for the particular industry and inform your talent which will enable you to a nd the business to thrive. Any hiring manager will inform you that in regards to your resume, appropriate spelling is vital to making a very good impression. TopResume writers are prepared to make sure your resume makes this happen. This way its possible to make certain it is really relevant for the kind of job youre applying for, and your abilities and experience will be placed in the very best light possible. Its leid essential to be an All-Star player to be a championship coach In nearly all instances, your coach will have the ability to assist you locate a resolution, so long as you communicate with them. Most coaches reply within only a couple of hours. A coach whos well-versed in basketball with complete understanding of all of the rules involved with the game and has hands-on expertise in training the team may use the basketball coach resume to forward their career. To make it simple for you, weve got a lot of ready to use coach resume templates. The coach resume tem plates are very beneficial to coaches across the world and of all levels for a number of reasons. You shouldnt expect to go hired as Head Coach straight away. The Hidden Truth About Resume Coach This will not appear good on you. You can also check at a few of the samples of various types of resumes for various kinds of careers. You can also check at a few of the samples of various kinds of resumes for various kinds of careers. From the work description, youll probably find more than only the technical qualifications required to finish the job. Incorporating a mixture of soft and difficult skills is advisable. Therefore, although your tutoring experience may not be directly associated with the sales position youre interested in, it is possible to definitely still highlight a number of the soft skills that both positions require. Communication skills are required for each and every job.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Making the Most of Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for Recruiting - Spark Hire

Making the Most of Twitter, facebook inc, and LinkedIn for Recruiting - Spark HireThe Pew Center for Research determined that 74 percent of online adults are using social media to share and get their information about pretty much anything and everything. Moreover, 21 percent of job seekers claim to have found their dream job through the use of social media.Without a doubt, the mora popular social media sites are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter which have a combined user population of 535 million. It would be wise for employers and staffing professionals to establish a presence on these sites in reservierung to connect with all of that potential talent. Below are tips on how to best utilize these platformsTwitterTwitter is a super simple and convenient tool for companies and recruiters looking to gain an edge over competitors.Easily tweet about your open positions Looking for admin assistant in Chicago. Apply at (include a shortened URL here). To make your tweets about job openings ey e-catching, be sure to utilize hashtags, . Some hashtags to consider using are job, jobpost, recruiting, career, or hiring. Adding any of these to your tweets will allow users to learn about your job opportunities when they search particular hashtags.If youd like to grow your Twitter following and build relationships with job seekers, engage with them about the topics they tweet about, share information about your company and events that you will be attending.When you find someone on Twitter that may fit in well at your company, evaluate their activity to determine the frequency of their tweets and if they keep a balance between personal and professional posts. You will also want to note if they only post updates or if they are responding to and retweeting others.When you have a job opening, filling the position isnt going to be a piece of cake. It will take much time and effort. However, by creating an online presence and utilizing resources from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, yo u can get a leg up on attracting great talent.FacebookFacebook offers several free resources that can help you to find and connect with talent.Facebook Directory Search for users, pages, groups, and applications to increase your talent pool.Facebook Pages Create a Facebook Page (public profile) to share up-to-date information about your business, products, and job openings with Facebook users. If you prefer not to have one, you can search other Facebook pages for people that are interested and active in your field and may want to apply for your open positions.Facebook Marketplace For free, you can post a job that requires basic information such as location, title and job description, etc. You can also add a photo or image to go with your job post.LinkedInIf you have some money to shell out, you can advertise about your open positions for 30 days at a cost per job post. You also have the option of buying job credits in order to pay less per job posting. However, if you dont have the budget for these services, LinkedIn has free resources that you can take advantage of toSearch for candidatesConnect with people you already know, such as former co-workers, current clients, and even friends and family, who may be connected to someone that could be a top-notch candidateAnnounce that you are hiring via your network activity box (or status box)Upon finding someone who may be a potential candidate, take the time to thoroughly evaluate their LinkedIn profile so you can find out as much as you can before contacting them about an interview. Is their LinkedIn profile filled out completely with a picture? Do they have recommendations from people theyve worked with? What LinkedIn groups pertaining to their field have they joined and are they active members?You will also want to see if you have a 2nd or 3rd degree connection to the potential candidate to get a more personal referral.Wed love to hear about your experiences with recruiting on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter Shar e in the comments below.Be sure to check out our whitepaper 5 Ways to Combine Social Media and Video Interviewing for more tipsImage Twin design/